Mitt Romney tells Donald Trump to get real over Obama birth certificate row
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has told Donald Trump it's time to stop questioning Barack Obama's citizenship.
The former Massachusetts governor said he now believes that President Obama was born in the U.S.

Citizenship: But Mitt Romney has said he disagrees with Billionaire Donald Trump who believes President Obama was actually born in Africa
The comments come after several of Romney's fellow GOPers, including Trump and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, publically questioned Obama's citizenship, despite the fact his Hawaii birth has been confirmed by Aloha State officials.
Property tycoon Trump has stated he believes Obama was born in Kenya and claims to have sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to get to the bottom of the scandal.
But Romney told CNBC's Kudlow Report: 'The citizenship test has been passed.
'There are real reasons to get this guy out of office … but his citizenship isn't the reason why.'
Arizona's 'birther bill', which was recently passed the state Senate requires presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens before they can be included on Arizona's ballot and receive any votes from the state.
Candidates who don't have a long form of their birth certificate are also given the option to show two alternative documents, including a baptismal or circumcision certificate, a hospital birth record or a post-partum medical record.
The bill approved would make Arizona the first state to pass such legislation. Democrats say it exceeds the state's authority.
The proposal is prompted by Donald Trump's on-going crusade to prove that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen.
In an interview with CNN he pointed out that there are no photos of President Obama from when he was younger, only in his teenage years.
He also claims that no one remembers him from school.
He said: 'If you go back to my first grade, my kindergarten, people remember me. Nobody from those early years remembers him.
'If you're going to be president of the United States, it says very profoundly you have to be born in this country.'

Illegal immigrant? But Republican Mitt Romney says the time to question the president's citizenship is over
Romney this week declared his intention to run for president by forming a presidential exploratory committee.
A CNN poll this week found Trump and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee to be tied for first place as the Republicans' first choice for the 2012 GOP nomination.
Sarah Palin came in second with Romney and House Speaker Newt Gingrich tied in third place.
Sarah Palin also weighed into the debate saying: 'I appreciate that the Donald wants to spend his resources on something that so interests him and so many Americans, you know more power to him.
'Obviously there is something that the president doesn't want people to see, that he sees going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And I think that's perplexing for a lot of people.'
Though the president released a certificate to prove that he was definitely born in Hawaii, Trump has set out to uncover what he believes he is the truth, citing missing information such as the hospital Obama was born in or the physician in attendance.
He claims to have reviewed Barack Obama's birth certificate more than once and said that 'birthers' and other doubters will never be satisfied.
Romney said he welcomes the inclusion of billionaire Trump into the race to become the next Republican president.
He said: 'He's a new face and a new voice in the process.
'My view is 'come on in the water's fine. The more the merrier.'
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